Monday, December 09, 2013

Nearby Abiquiu reservoir, new kayak sail and our resident Bighorn Sheep Herd

Hiking near the Rio Grande on the Orilla Verde trail gave us an unexpected treat. A small herd of Bighorn Sheep. Also Ron made another junk sail out of Tyvek using the same method and design of Batwing's new sails. We drove to Abiquiu Res using Ron's modified trailer to haul the kayak. Sails worked very well in light winds. Later we stopped in El Rito for Mexican food at El Farolito.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Projects,Art, hikes, and more guests in Taos

As the summer progressed we painted the openings to the house Taos blue to keep out the evil spirits. Ron finished the poo box so we have a beautiful throne in the chief; we went to Burning Hand in Pilar --a take off on burning man. We attended lots of art studios and art openings and joined plein aire painters here in Taos..  Ron made the teepee he has wanted for a long time. Later we will paint decorations on it. We have hiked around the ski mountain and we had Cuz Rick and Richard and their cute dogs (shelties)stay in their airstream!!! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rancho de las Hamacas

We decided to call our property something and since we finished the patio--or at least we have gotten the shade part functioning with 4 hammocks, it seemed fitting to use the hammocks as our "theme". They seem to be a hit with everyone. Meanwhile, Bob and Jill Stecker came for a visit --Bob helping Ron to make dovetails on our soon to be composting toilet boxes and sharpening all of our tools and most importantly adding to our indoor decorating theme of indigenous  peoples and artifacts. See his beautiful carving below......

more visitors to Taos

In early July Bob and Jill came to visit. Bob helped Ron make dovetails for two boxes (still to be finished) and we had fun hiking the rim trail overlooking the RioGrande Gorge, and biking in the wind, and checking out the earthship community just down the street. The small bird is a canyon wren we heard--beautiful songs--and actually saw!! The bridge is about one mile from our home.

llenging when the wind picked up and blew in our faces!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Saturday, July 06, 2013

More of our neighbors' yurt pics

More Yurt

We help neighbors in Taos to raise their yurt

Leda and Christian are our new vegan neighbors (ring a bell anyone?) They built a garage/workshop first three years ago and this year they built a deck and platform for their Colorado Yurt. Yesterday we finished the raising of the structure and what is left is the finishing. Follow the pictures to see the process........