Saturday, November 15, 2008


During our stay in Bahia we were fortunate to make many friends. Here they are at Saiananda, CocoBongo, and other places in Bahia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for keeping us in the frozen north posted Ron. I think of you often. Myrna's birthday is Jan 25th if you are near a phone. Seattle had an unbelievable snow storm the 21-27 Dec. We had a white Christmas; the city doesn't have snow removal stuff, so we just drove around (or stayed inside) in ruts, then slush, then wet streets. I think one night we got about 8 inches! (I moved away from Nebr and gave my snow shovels away). We are moving week after next about 8 blocks to right next door to Shon and Cambria. Have been fixing the place up for the past month and 1/2. Stay well both of you; we love you